As the winter season begins, it’s time to start thinking about sprucing up our gardens. In cooler climates, winter often means smaller and more manageable tasks can be done now that can make a big impact on the look and feel of your garden.
It’s also a great time to catch up on all those jobs that you’ve been putting off.

1. Clean your gutters - we often loathe jobs like this but they are essential for good house maintenance, protecting from fire hazard and flooding risks. C the leaves and debris that you have removed and gather them for compost.

2. Make Compost - refuse from your gutters, fallen leaves from deciduous trees and grass that has been mown all make good ingredients for your compost heap. Making a compost now means that it will be a ready source of free fertiliser for gardens in spring and add valuable nutrients for when your plants are actively growing.

3. Set out new paths - garden designs become more evident once foliage has dropped and perennials have died down, revealing movement patterns around the garden. This is the perfect time to redesign or renew old pathways. Define edges clearly and replenish any materials as needed along paths.

4. Improve drainage - with a few seasons of La Nina under our belts, increased rainfall may have highlighted some drainage problems for your garden. Think about installing raised beds now to help improve drainage and keep your plants healthy.

5. Install irrigation - a new season of el niño is predicted for next summer. We may start to experience the opposite to our previous years and see drought return in some areas. This makes winter a great time to install an irrigation system. An automated irrigation system frees you up to enjoy other activities.

6. Take hardwood cuttings - woody shrubs can be multiplied by taking cuttings now. It will take a few months for them to strike so be patient and be prepared to monitor them for signs of growth well into spring. Take hardwood cuttings of Abelia, Berberis, Buddleia, Frosythia, Hydrangea, Roses and Viburnum now.

7. Prune - June is the idea month for pruning many plants. Prune roses to an open vase shape and treat them for blackspot and scale. Prune any flowers off hydrangeas if you haven’t done so in summer. Deciduous trees and wisteria can all be pruned safely now.
If you’d like to learn how to properly prune your hydrangeas we are currently offering a workshop to teach you all you’ll need to know about Hydrangeas! It’s held at our garden centre on June 17th at 1:30 pm. Click the image below to purchase your tickets to attend:

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21-29 Old Hume Highway, Shop 2
(corner of Crimea and Old Hume Hwy), Balaclava, NSW
Open 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm
Thanks to Toni Salter, The Veggie Lady, for her contribution in writing this article exclusively for the Mittagong Garden Centre and our valued customers. We hope you enjoyed the article and found it helpful. For more information on the Veggie Lady click here www.theveggielady.com